So, I have 'covid' again, for the fourth or fifth time I think... Been ill for about 5 days now, with a steaming cold, dizziness, low energy, and cough. Also feeling strangely disconnected, unearthly almost...
In fact, I feel like I have one foot in one world, and the other foot in another...
Maybe ARCTURUS is visiting me?!! Very interesting name for a virus isn't it? Why is it being named after a high-frequency planet I wonder?
Maybe, POLARIS will be next?!!
As usual, the truth can be in plain sight. So, what if these bouts of 'covid' are actually more along the lines of higher frequencies infusing planet Earth - having a deep purifying effect on our bodies - to help us revert back to the life we should have always known?
So, rather than think something has gone wrong or that something 'bad' or 'unlucky' has happened when we get the so-called virus, maybe it is just our body detoxing massively to align with the new frequencies which will take this planet into a new era of peace, health and happiness, if we can truly align with the possibility of this.
So many natural phenomena are purposely given a negative spin. Think... climate change... or any health problem. Indeed, even severe health issues such as cancer can be seen as the body attempting to correct an imbalance, rather that something 'wrong' happening, when you truly understand the true nature of health and dis-ease.
There is a big secret to improving not only health, but the well-being of our planet in general. One key concept to really take on board and understand. Are you ready to hear it???...