I am writing this post just to prove that I have a deep interest in conventional Nutritional Therapy approaches too, despite my other posts that might make me seem otherwise sometimes. I am just so passionate about the 'bigger picture' and context to healing!
The health benefits of eating good food are immense, as are the benefits of intermittant fasting.
I am very much in favour of intermittant fasting to dramatically improve practically every condition of ill health, but often fasting needs to be undertaken with care and understanding, and with a nurturing approach rather than a 'starvation' one.
Indeed, many chronic illnesses can leave one feeling quite weakened, and in this case, dramatic fasting is not a good idea.
So, I have devised my own approaches to fasting that offer both detoxification AND nurturing at the same time, and are relatively easy to fit into a busy schedule. The main approach that I use is based on the 5:2 diet and incorporates lots of easy raw food ideas: it is a fantastic approach that can definitely help you to feel so much more alive, yet it also quite a gentle aproach to fasting/ detoxifying. Even my teenage daughter has used this cleanse.
So why not contact me for more details?