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Our Cleanses

Here at TQN we recognise that fasting and detoxification practices can be an important part of maintaining good health, especially the older we get: fasting and cleansing can help improve any health condition, often dramatically so.


However, care is needed with fasting and cleansing, as it is possible to do this too quickly, resulting in too much toxemia being released.  Also, if you have been feeling particularly weak and have been suffering from a very debilitating condition, it is often inadvisable to fast until you feel stronger. 


For this reason, it is extremely advisable to undertake fasting and cleansing with support of a  healthcare practitioner who understands the process, especially if you haven't undertaken such practices before. 


So do contact Sarah to see if fasting/ detoxification is for you.  If it is... you might want to start with one of our One Day Juice Fasts and join our club/ community to support you.  Click here for details.


Or, at TQN we have an incredible range of ZenCleanz products for the more experienced cleanser who wants to go it alone.


Some of the exciting ZenCleanz kits are detailed below.

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